Category: User Experience
Because They’re New
Bringing someone new into the organization is so helpful for all the obvious reasons of why you were hiring the position in the first place, but there is a less obvious reason too. One that happens to be incredibly valuable if your company is open and ready to listen. The Unintended Benefits of Bringing Someone…
When Good is the Enemy of Done
I think the actual saying is, “Perfection is the enemy of good.” For me, for now, on this rework of my personal site and getting this blog up and running, I’m trying hard to get to “done” and we’ll worry about “good” later. As I believe most designers will attest to, getting your own website…
Real Web Designers Design
From the archive of this site in 2013, the age old argument of designers learning to code – here we go. Front end engineering today feels almost unrecognizable today compared to 2013, so do designers still need to code? I still believe designers should have a basic knowledge and capabilities around HTML, Javascript, and CSS…
The Business of UX
Another from the archive, this time about roles and leadership. My thoughts here haven’t changed much and it seems like other people today feel some of the same. We need Design Leadership equal to Product, Business, and Technology Leadership. Here’s the original article: Over the past few months, I’ve been working closely with my various…
Skills designers need today, still
I originally wrote and posted this back in 2013. It’s funny to me that I call out Photoshop and Fireworks then, which you can easily replace with Figma today. Proof that tools change but the core skills of what’s really needed for design stay the same. Here’s the original post: It’s not about the software…